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Press and Media

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"RE:ARTISTE has been a champion of international and thought-provoking artists, and the shows they’ve put together have always been excellent."Beyond Chinatown

Yay, now people in Italy also know about RE:ARTISTE! Samantha Passaniti was our exhibiting artist at the 2nd Annual Show "Transformation", 2018.



NTD TVEPOCHTIMES, US CHINA PRESS about James Hsieh's public project, The Pentagram Invasion: the installation was commissioned for the Queens Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in 2018. RE:ARTISTE'S curator Natalie Burlutskaya, PR-manager Wesley Sin, Art Consultant Cali Kurland took part in the press conference to feature James Hsieh whose two installations were exhibited at RE:ARTISTE's international exhibition "Show Your World" in 2018.





BEYOND CHINATOWN about RE:ARTISTE and artists Yu Cao and James Hsieh exhibited at RE:ARTISTE's 4th Annual International "Show Your World" Exhibition, September - October 2018:

                "RE:ARTISTE has been a champion of international and thought-provoking artists, and the shows they’ve put together have always been excellent." - Beyond Chinatown



Hsieh says of the soft sculpture he has on view, “I want to bring my dream world and wild imagination into the reality and let others see the world I have seen. Thus, I transformed soft felt and fabric into solid sculptures to create an immersive environment and strived to re-activate the viewer’s childhood memories and childlike wonderment by investigating through their body in a sensorial way.” - Beyond Chinatown




MUSCAT DAILY about "Show Your World" and Gailani Ibrahim, one of the winners and current juror at RE:ARTISTE International Art Organization:

Gailani is the first ever artist from Oman and the GCC to win this award. The event celebrated all genres of art and invited artists to interpret the theme of ‘showing your world’.

The Refugee is inspired by the turmoil in Syria where people are fleeing their country and being forced to seek refuge - sometimes illegally - in other lands.

“Art is a reflection of life and as artists our job is to showcase the reality of lives. It is a hard time in Syria now where people are talking of human lives in mere numbers. We are on the verge of losing our sensitivities. I hope that my piece of work will bring that sensitivity back once again,” said Gailani. Besides the award, the artist has won the honour of judging the next edition of art event this December.



Art Vancouver about artist and RE:ARTISTE's juror Gailani Ibrahim: Gailani's "activism on the refugee crisis plaguing the world led him to winning the international art award “Show Your World” in New York City in 2017. According to Natalie Burlutskaya, founder and chief curator of RE:ARTISTE Art Organization, “We were honored to exhibit Gailani’s stunning painting ‘Refugee’ at our biggest international exhibit. e artist himself is a person with an extraordinary biography: he was able to persevere in a family that took refugee from oppression in Iraq, survived abuse, overcame depression and thrived as an artist!”


Broadway World about our collaborative project, Daughters of Troy:

Click the pictures to read full articles.





Performance at Dixon Place:



About Shirley Siegal, Hadieh Afshani and Show Your World where two artists met to continue to work together:


Israeli news on The First Supper Art Project:


Women's Caucus for Art publication:



KISS ME or CUT OFF MY HEAD: Performance, Visual Art Exhibition:




Collaboration with Unicycle Productions: "Bubbles of Hope" Andrey Bartenev at DUMBO Arts Festival, New York. 



Objects RE:ARTISTE featured in the Apartment Therapy:





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