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Dongze Huo

 Dongze Huo, a Finalist of the International Art Competition, "Show Your World".
Honorable Mention by the Jury.
Artwork: "Memory Track".


Dongze Huo is an artist exploring "transformative connections".What does it mean? Dongze Huo explains: "Adapting to a new culture means subjecting oneself to profound change. In my project theme, “Transformative Connections”, I draw on my experience of assimilation to America". The process of change is Dongze Huo's inspiration to create. "Uncertainty and conflict become an engine of invention." 

Dongze Huo is optimistic about changes, and, with his art, he wants to tell people to think positively about changes as well.
While creating, Dongze Huo allows himself not to think about the final result -  he allows the process to seem out of control as if it is a happy accident."Rather than limiting myself to a strict discipline, I use a wide range of media in my abstract compositions in an exploratory process where control is abandoned in favor of serendipity. During the process I was inspired by the oriental philosophy and meditation by my abstract approach. It makes me feel leisurely when viewing my life and art. Conflict, trouble and frustration all gradually will be solved or disappeared by meditation itself. In the Taoist words, it would sound like “Letting things take their own course”.This is my life experience: a choice to come here, live here, and connect the past to present. Unfamiliarity to familiarity, rejection to acceptance." For Dongze Huo, creating art means a long-term meditative process of "realizing who I am, and constantly finding and familiarizing myself with the transformative connections behind the growth."




"Memory Track", 2014


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