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Mensur Bojda


mensur-bojda.jpgPolitical structure such as gender misbalance and inequality are the main interest in the artwork of artist Mensur Bojda. It gives a attention on the difference between feminine and muscular form trough their grotesque and fine force of the shape. Even more the idea travel further in discussion of presenting which of the sides is strong or stronger.

Mensur Bojda (b. Brod, Serbia 1986) is a figurative expressionist and his interest reach discipline in painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, illustration and comics. His works has been exhibited mainly in Europe and recently in MC Gallery NYC. Currently, Mensur lives and works in New York City, USA.


2016 Master degree at Academy of Fine Arts / Belgrade, Serbia

2009 Academy of Fine Arts / Belgrade, Serbia

2004 High School of Applied Arts / Skopje, Macedonia


2016-  The painters lesson of Mensur Bojda / MC Gallery / NYC,NY

2014- Exhibition of paintings by Mensur Bojda / Cultural Center of Youth / Skopje, Macedonia

2013- Exhibition of paintings / Gallery of Cinematography of Macedonia / Skopje, Macedonia

2012- Exhibition of paintings / Art Gallery of City of Veles, Macedonia

2012- Exhibition of paintings / Museum of Robevci / Ohrid, Macedonia

2012- Exhibition of paintings and etchings / Gallery of Cultural Info Center / Skopje, Macedonia

2011- A celebration of drawing exercises / Gallery Creactive / Skopje, Macedonia

2010- Exhibition of paintings / Gallery Eye / Skopje, Macedonia

2016- Exhibition of paintings drawings and mosaics / Gallery of Bulgarian Center / Skopje, Macedonia


2017 The Persephone Project / RE:ARTISTE at Art Residency "Daughters of Troy"/ NYC, USA

2017 Let me go Father / MC Gallery / NYC, USA
2017 Personal identity matter  / MC Gallery / NYC, USA
2016 A Neu Coup / MC Gallery / NYC, USA
2016 Osten artists / Macedonian Academy of Science and Art / Skopje, Macedonia
2015  The painters of Gral Gallery / Skopje, Macedonia


2016 Arist of the year / Osten Gallery / Skopje, Macedonia
2014 Konstantin Mazev / painting of small format / Skopje, Macedonia








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