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sheryl-haler-choirofhumanlyhosts-20x20x1.jpg Sheryl Haler, Choir of Humanly Hosts, mixed media, 20"x20"

hadieh-afshani-land-connection-home-mixed-media-on-ceramic-10x10x7-inches-350.jpg Hadieh Afshani, Land Connection, mixed media on ceramics, 10"x10"x7"

jameshsieh-reartiste-felt-installation.jpeg James Hsieh, various, felt sculpture, mixed media, installation, site-specific

daughtersoftroy-reartiste-yuchuanchang-art.jpg Yu Chuan Chang, Love Words, site specific installation [detail]

kate-goltseva-golden-moon-oil-on-canvas-14x14-350.jpg Kate Goltseva, Golden Moon, oil on canvas, 14"x14"

mensur-bojda-drawing-pen-ink-2017.jpg Mensur Bojda, Aphrodite, drawing, pen, ink

kyungjinkim-betweentheperiphery-reartiste-7.jpg Kyung-jin Kim, Between the Periphery, light & sound installation [detail]

irina-kasperskaya-lemons-painting-20x30.jpg Irina Kasperskaya, Make Lemonade, oil, acrylic, canvas, 45"20"

henriette-roka-aardal-reartiste-show-your-world.jpg Henriette Roka-Aardal, If I Let You Into My Past, acrylic on canvas, 16"x16"

thefirstsupper-art-reartiste.jpg Shirley Siegal, Hadieh Afshani, The First Supper, installation, mixed media